Sunday, April 25, 2010

A pretentious voice leading the masses

Yesterday a divulgance was made at a used book store. $49.50 was spent purchasing a stack of eight books ranging from Kahlil Gibran to Tim O'Brian. One problem with this whole ordeal is that I've become a unflinching numericist: I cannot purchase a book without gauging its font size, page length, whether or not it will be an attribute or detriment to this challenge. It's a habit I'm trying to rid myself of, or at least hinder it enough so that it doesn't get in the way of quality book purchases. But really, do Dover thrift editions really have to be so thrifty? Or Norton's Anthologies try to cram 7,485,209,309 words onto every page?

Let us not be deterred though, fellow 9000-pagites, and begin to the pressing in of pagination. I 'spose we'll count May 1st as the official start date (forgive me all of you whose colleges don't end as soon as UD's) and hopefully the postings are fast and furious. The first discussion's date will be Saturday, May 29th at a currently fiestly debated location (Laura K. and Anna S. are the leading candidates, but perhaps a coffee shop shall trump all) at 5 P.M.

Let us postulate for a while, what that will mean. X amount of people will have been through, perhaps, Steinbeck's greatest work, along with approximately 2300 pages of work. Matt Finn will be halfway through Atlas Shrugged, becoming more and more objectivist. I'll have read the sufist works of Gibran, existentiality of Dostoevsky, and balanced them all against (hopefully) the Pentateuch, while Aaron has learned 234 new ways to catch fish.

That's all folks, this was a study break for me. I'm looking forward to hearing from you shortly.


  1. can I join? I just found this and since I'm already planning to read a gigantic amount of stuff this summer this is right up my alley. :) I have no idea what exactly I'm going to read, and I will make no promises as to the depth of any of it. Some of it might be pretty fluffy, but I am going to read lots of Newberry Award books, I know that for sure. Sounds like fun!

  2. All are welcome Rebecca. Plus, the Newberry Award winners will probably be a fresh breath to the stacks littering my room.
